Michele McKenna joined the Berkeley 教师 in 2005 and has been a 夏天的计划 教师 member since 2006. 她是在她的第八个夏天领导卓越的夏天, having been closely involved with this popular lower division enrichment program for many years prior to that. 她是佛罗里达人, 莱托高中的毕业生, 并在佛罗里达州立大学获得学士学位. She currently teaches in the Center for Science, Engineering, and 技术 (C-SET) at Berkeley. 米歇尔也在幼儿园工作过, 一年级, 二年级, 学习中心, 作为技术团队的一员. She has presented on using technology effectively in the classroom at the Future of Education and 技术 Conference, 佛罗里达独立学校委员会年会, 以及佛罗里达幼儿园理事会年会. 她的儿子, 布兰登, 2017年毕业于棋牌游戏平台大学, 我从幼儿园开始就是棋牌游戏平台的学生.